04 March 2009

Told you so!

J’te l’avais dit!

So there I was some weeks back, all worried about Cathal, and solid food, and spoon feeding, and so on. And Cathal gave me three little lessons on the day in question (details here). The update? He was right, I had nothing to worry about. The proof? Here are some photos taken by “Paparazza Great-Aunt Dom” Monday evening as Cathal had come to my home for a sleeping-over with his Mammy.

Donc, il y a quelques semaines, j’étais toute inquiète au sujet de Cathal, et la nourriture solide, et la cuillère, et tout ça. Et Cathal m’avait donner trois bonnes petites leçons ce jour-là (détails ici, pour ceux qui lisent l’Anglais). Aux dernières nouvelles ? Il avait raison, je n’avais pas besoin de m’inquiéter. La preuve ? Voici quelques photos prises par «Paparazza Grande Tante Dom» lundi soir quand Cathal est venu chez moi pour passer la nuit avec sa Maman.



And half way through desert, taking a call. Do I really have to…?
Et au milieu du dessert, prendre un appel. Je dois vraiment… ?

Oh, Super-Grand-Parents !

Hello there ! Salut la France !

© Photos: Grande Tante Dom – Merci ;-)


My name is Sarah said...

He loved his food. How cute.

Clive said...

We loved the photos and the French! Reminded us of our years in Brussels when we tried but failed to learn decent French!

Thrilled to see Cathal eating so well!

Mel said...

He is totally gorgeous!

Cheri said...

He is just so darn cute!

I am so impressed that he is able to drink from an open cup. We haven't even attempted that yet with Reid. Hmnn...maybe it is time to try. :)

Anonymous said...

Ce petit homme est vraiment un amour. En effet, pour l'avoir vu prendre plusieurs repas, il mange vraiment bien... et sait se faire comprendre quand il n'en veut plus ou veut boire. Moi aussi je suis jalouse car mon fils de 20 mois non plus ne boit pas au verre!!!

Dom la "grande tante" qui prend les photos

Lisamaree said...

Food Shmood, where does he get his hair done?
Absolutely Gorgeous Darling.

jazzygal said...

So, soooooo cute!

Your little Prince is just so gorgeous...so divine....I could just eat him all up!!xx J
